Tooth Extraction Services for Adults

Tooth Extraction Services for Adults

Feb 01, 2020

Most people are aware of teeth extraction procedures for children as they transition from milk teeth to permanent teeth. However, tooth removal is also offered to adults. In their case, different reasons can inspire the removal of a tooth, including recommendations by a dentist.

What Is Tooth Extraction?

It is a procedure that involves pulling out a tooth from its room. It can be the removal of a baby tooth or a permanent tooth.

Why Do You Need Your Tooth Extracted?

When you visit your dentist for a regular check-up, he/she might be the one proposing the removal of our tooth. This recommendation can be informed by the underlying condition of your target tooth. Some of the reasons that can necessitate the removal of an adult mature tooth include:

  • Decayed tooth – severe tooth decay can render a tooth useless and unsalvageable. This is when the enamel of the tooth has thoroughly been worn down, sometimes, even the dentin. For such a tooth, extracting it has more benefits than keeping it. If your dentist is recommending the removal of your decayed tooth, then you have a better chance of enjoying your oral health without it than with it.
  • Misshapen wisdom teeth – they are the last set of teeth to grow in an adult mouth. These four teeth start growing between the ages of 16 and 25 years. However, given that patients have different oral structures and jawbones, wisdom teeth may not always grow correctly. If one of your wisdom teeth is impacting the adjacent teeth, then it can necessitate its removal. Other such teeth get stuck under the gum tissue, making it uncomfortable for you to chew on your back teeth.
  • Broken teeth – accidents and injuries that hurt your face and teeth out your teeth at risk of damage. If one of your teeth has been impacted and breaks, the damage may be more than just the loss of part of your enamel. Sometimes the impact damages the nerve endings inside the tooth. Besides, if a lot of the tooth’s structure has been broken, then saving it through other procedures like a root canal may not be the best alternative. For such, your dentist will recommend the removal of your tooth, then propose another replacement option that will work for you.
  • Crowded mouth – in orthodontic treatment, a crowded mouth comes in the way of offering the best treatment for the patient. For such, and orthodontist suggests the removal of one or more tooth, to create sufficient room for the rest of the teeth to sit properly in the mouth. This, then allows for the realignment of the teeth, for a beautiful smile.
  • The risk of infection – even though a tooth’s infection is mostly from tooth decay the risk of infection can come from other sources. Sometimes your immune system might be compromised, for example, following a treatment like chemotherapy. Besides, some oral diseases like periodontitis can sabotage the health of your tooth, leading to its removal.
  • Emergency tooth extraction – some cases of pulling out of a tooth are as a result of emergencies. It could be an injury that happened, and a partially knocked-out tooth has to be removed to prevent infection. In cases of dental emergencies, you cannot always anticipate what exactly will happen. It explains why same day extractions are offered even in emergency dental facilities.

After Home Care for Extracted Teeth

An extraction procedure is not similar to other oral treatments. Since a tooth is pulled out from its roots, it can be painful and uncomfortable. It is why local anesthesia is used for the procedure to numb your mouth and alleviate any pain and discomfort.

After your treatment, you will be a little sore, and you will have some bleeding. Gauzes are used in the area of the removed tooth, to prevent the bleeding, and encourage the formation of a clot. Given the sensitivity of the target area, some of the things you should watch out for after your procedure include:

  • Avoid dislodging the blood clot – whether with your tongue or by using a straw to drink fluids.
  • Stick to soft foods – until your affected gum area is properly healed.
  • Avoid extreme temperatures – especially very hot foods. However, immediately after the procedure, you can consider eating ice cream, as per the recommendation of your dentist. This will act as a cold compress for your mouth.
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